玩家对战 (Play with Player)
人机对战 (Play with AI)

ByteDance AI Gomoku - The Ultimate Five-in-a-Row AI

Welcome to ByteDance AI Gomoku (http://www.bytedance.ai/gomoku.html), Play against our advanced AI, which has been trained using the latest machine learning techniques to provide an immersive and challenging experience for players of all skill levels.

Join us and test your strategic prowess in this ancient board game, also known as Five-in-a-Row, where the objective is to form an unbroken line of five stones of your color, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally.

Are you ready for the ByteDance AI Gomoku challenge?

This project is built by qiangchen.org and open sourced in Github fucusy/gomoku-first-move-always-win


  • The AI could be out of service, contact [email protected] if you want to support it.

  • 2023-10-01: The AI is back using personal laptop as the server plus free port forwarding service from https://portmap.io/. The service could be shutdown anytime, contact [email protected] if you want to support it.
  • 2023-09-21: The AI is out of service due to end of cloud server, contact [email protected] if you want to support it.
  • 2022-06-05: Support white put move far away from existing move on first and second step.